Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Management and leadership have association with each other but they are totally different terms. Management is considered as involving to individuals employed contained by a controlled organisation and by set positions. Considering that for individual’s external of the establishment the manager may possibly not inevitably be comprehended in a leadership function. The importance of leadership is on social manners in a wider perspective. Leadership does not essentially occur within the ordered construction of the organisation. It happens at diverse stages and be capable of demonstration in various techniques.
Zaleznik discovers dissimilarity in attitudes and relations towards varying roles of being a leader and a manager. Managers have a tendency to espouse neutral or inert approaches headed for objectives. Leaders take on a more subjective and dynamic approach to their goals. Likewise, with the intention to induce individuals to consent resolutions, the manager must persistently direct and settle so as to concede disagreeing ethics. The leader generates enthusiasm at work place and progresses selections that offer elements to descriptions that stimulate individuals. In their associations with other individuals, managers uphold a minimal intensity of expressive immersion. Leaders ought with compassion with other individuals and contribute notice to what proceedings and activities intend.
Managerial grid is issued by Blake and Mouton which can be used to evaluate different styles of management and published in 1964. It offers a foundation for correlation of managerial techniques in two major scopes which are apprehension for both production and for people. Concern for production is the volume of importance that the manager consigns on completing the responsibilities available, attaining a high stage of making and receiving outcomes or earnings. This is denoted laterally the horizontal axis of the Grid. Concern for people is the quantity of stress that the manager provides to assistants and co-workers as personalities and to their requirements and prospects. This is symbolised along the vertical axis of the Grid.
Below is an image of the managerial grid, taken from:

The four corners and the centre of the Grid provide five basic combinations of degree of concern for production coupled with degree of concern for people .Managers with a 1,1 rating incline to be secluded from their assistants and have confidence in in the smidgen actions from their contemporary role. Managers with 9,1 rating are dictatorial . They tend to be dependent on a unified scheme and the custom of power. The 1,9 rating managers trust on a satisfied team will take on what is entailed of them and attain sensible level of production. The 5,5 rating is the standard management with the attitude of ‘live and let live’ movement to evade the existent problems. Managers with a 9,9 rating consider the participating job desires and matters for individuals.
My sales manager at present ,in Censura consulting, in my point of view is at the rating 9,1 as he has a higher concern for production rather than the people who works in the business .All the sales consultants are pressurised to do more sales as if we don’t reach our sales target, he describes us as failures. We, as his staff are viewed as a channels of creation and enthusiasm is built on a rivalry between the people to get each tasks completed. If a workforce confronts the manager showing a disagreement regarding an instruction or regular practise, that individual is expected to be seen as disobliging.
An article about Corazon Aquino, the first female president of the Philippines describes how she became a good leader in her own country and for the eyes of other leaders of other countries all over the world. She fought for the democracy of the country and seen as an inspiration to other countries that are suffering from oppression. She held a movement called people-power to conclude the sovereignty of Ferdinand Marcos who was seen by everyone as a consummate political animal. I believe that she implemented good leadership until the day that she passed away, as she was an recognized manifestation in the country’s political life, her character as a protector of equality and ethical model will be unbreakable. She came up with the changes of poverty, corruption and most deprivation that was happening in the country. She empathized with the people of the Philippines and listened to their problems. This article has been taken from the website
In conclusion,  we have seen that management and leadership have a lot of differences not just with their environments but also with their personalities. But more changes has been happening at present therefore emphasis of leadership and management are still transforming and illustrations such as management grid can be used to identify and evaluate framework for patterns of behaviour.
Mullins, L.(2010) Management  & organisational Behaviour : ninth edition. Harlow : Pearson Education Limited

Northouse,P.(2010)Leadership:Theory and Practise:Fifth Edition.United States of America: SAGE Publications Inc.
Eersel, F.M (2010).Managerial Grid (Blake and Mouton)[online] . [ Accessed on 15 December 2010]
Coventry University .(n.d) Management concern for task and/or people [online]. [ Acessed on 15 December 2010]
Coronel, S.(2009).Cory Aquino and democracy in the Philippines [online]. [ Acessed on 15 December 2010]

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